User’s Rights and Obligations
The User has the right to view, order and receive Goods from the Site according to the Terms and Conditions specified therein.
The User has the right to be informed about the status of their order.
The User has the right of delivery of the requested Goods to the specified delivery address after telephone confirmation.
The User has the obligation to pay the price of their order using the method stated on the Site.
Each User, whether they have placed an order or not, when using the Site has obligation to:
* Not violate and to respect the rights and freedoms of the citizens under the Constitution, the laws of England and international acts to which it is party, the moral rules, good manners and Internet ethics;
* Not violate other people's material or immaterial, absolute or relative rights and interests such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc.;
* Not commit malicious actions.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL Rights and Obligations
It has the right, but not the obligation, to retain materials and information used/deployed on our server or made available to third parties by a User, and to make them available to third parties and the relevant state authorities, when necessary, to preserve the rights and the legitimate interests, property and security of and of third parties in the cases when claims have been made for infringement of their rights in connection with used or disseminated information or materials, as well as in cases when the materials or information have been requested by state authorities under an explicit legal provision.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL has the right at any time, without notifying the User, when the latter uses the Site in violation of these terms and at the discretion of Global Trading and Marketing Management SL, to terminate the User's access to the Site. Global Trading and Marketing Management SL shall not be held responsible by Users and third parties for any damages or loss of benefits resulting from the termination, suspension, change or limitation to the access, deletion, modification, loss, untrustworthiness, inaccuracy or incompleteness of messages, materials or information transferred, used, recorded or made available through the Site.
The User shall indemnify Global Trading and Marketing Management SL and all third parties for all damages and loss of benefits, including any costs and attorney' fees resulting from claims and/or compensation paid to third parties in relation to the Website, hyperlinks, materials or information, which the User has used, deployed on our server, sent, disseminated, made available to third parties or made available through Global Trading and Marketing Management SL in violation of the law, these General Terms and Conditions, good manners or Internet ethics.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL has the right to send weekly emails with news to the Site Users if they have confirmed their wish to do so. This letter contains up-to-date promotions, new products, news about upcoming holidays, fresh ideas for gifts and more. Global Trading and Marketing Management SL may not send this email to Users that have expressly stated that they do not wish to receive it.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL has the right to collect and use information about its Users.
The information in the previous article may be used by Global Trading and Marketing Management SL, except in case of User’s explicit disagreement sent to the following email address . Global Trading and Marketing Management SL collects and uses the information to improve the Goods offering and to meet consumer needs. All purposes for which Global Trading and Marketing Management SL will use the information will comply with the Spanish legislation, applicable international acts, good manners and Internet ethics.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL guarantees the privacy of the provided information and personal data to its Users. The latter will not be used, provided or made available to third parties, except in cases and under the conditions stated in these General Terms and Conditions.
Global Trading and Marketing Management SL has the right to install cookies on User’s computers. They are text files saved by the Website on the User's hard disk and allow the recovery of information about the User by identifying them and allowing to track their actions, the Websites they visit, the hyperlinks they use, the information they use and record, etc.